Make an
impact today

Support President Trump’s election by influencing battleground states.

Turn Every State Red is an FEC registered Super PAC.

Why give?

  • The outcome of the election may seem pre determined in your neighborhood, but it’s certainly not in others.

  • While your district may be a win for the President, other districts are critical to win, but not as certain of a victory.

  • This election will be determined by who shows up in battleground states. We blanket these areas with media and voter encouragement- up until the final hour.

  • With your help, we influence the most critical voting districts in the country.

  • In the last election, we were all taken by surprise. Don’t allow that to happen again.

  • Not in 2024. This year, he returns to the White House. This year, you help him do it.

“I’m out-numbered in my state. I know what candidate will win in my hometown. But, helping Trump win in critical states is how I win!”

Keith Fern

“I like the idea if going to the voting booth knowing more people in line are supporting my candidate because I took action this year.”

Monet Goosen

“I’m not very public about my support, so it feels right to work with a PAC to promote President Trump. I’m still ensuring he wins.”

Channing Li